Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision


The CAD is a leading research-informed centre that promotes creative and innovative teaching and learning experiences by developing all students and staff to reach their optimum potential both locally and globally.


We as the CAD will develop transformative, innovative curricula with stakeholders (academia, industry and professional bodies) utilizing and integrating appropriate traditional and digital technologies to enhance the teaching and learning experiences and practices.

As a leading centre we will creatively enhance academic development through learning, student, tutor, language, staff and cognitive brain development. Interventions will be implemented through proper research, peer, self-evaluations and assessment.

Furthermore, we will strive to develop academic leadership by providing training programmes that will optimize academic potential.


We commit ourselves to:

  • Consistency through proper management and planning;
  • Perseverance: striving towards clear goals with self-confidence;
  • Serenity: a peaceful working environment with focus on professional conduct;
  • Harmonious: through considering the value of each member;
  • Respect through consideration, accepting and valuing human dignity;
  • Ubuntu: we are what we are because of others – no man is an island;
  • Creativity: thinking out of the box and being open-minded;
  • Passion: we believe in the success of CAD;
  • Integrity: always be exemplary in our daily repertoire;
  • Promoting ethical conduct
  • Collegiality

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