Civil Engineering WIL



Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) or Workplace-Based Learning (WBL) is a compulsory and essential component of the Civil Engineering Diploma qualification. WIL contributes massively to the competencies that students develop and can deploy as they enter the work environment. WIL assess graduate attributes 9 (Independent learning) and 12 (Workplace practices). Our WIL program is done in 6 – 12 months.



For comprehensive information on WIL registration and guidelines please follow the links presented below:


New Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering (360 Credits) – HEQSF aligned:


Old Qualification: NATED 151 NDip: Engineering: Civil (360 Credits) – Phasing out:



Upon completion of the various stages of WIL, students are expected to submit the necessary reports for assessment. The department has set certain timelines that it endevours to keep in providing responses to the submitted reports after assessment. The department’s goal is to assess received reports within 14 working days of receipt. The Cooperative Education Department will then give feedback to students and the Examination Department to capture results on ITS within 7 working days. The implication therefore is that, all other things being unchanged or constant, if a student’s submitted report receives a favourable assessment outcome, then the results should reflect on the ITS within twenty one (21) working days from the day of a successful submission of the report. For unfavourable assessment outcomes, the student shall be duly informed of the outcome and the necessary remedial actions required within sixteen (16) working days from the day of a successful submission of the report (Refer to the Figure below).  The Figure below presents the department’s report submission and processing flow.